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Participating Artists:
Johnny Abrahams, Christian Achenbach, Catherine Anholt, Tom Anholt, Andreas Blank, Armin Boehm, Fritz Bornstück, Jenny Brosinski, Sascha Brylla, Jonas Burgert, Ung-Pil Byen, Sen Chung, Daniel Crews-Chubb, Daniel Firman, Sebastian Gögel, Philip Grözinger, Gregor Hildebrandt, Jaeho Jung, Aneta Kajzer, Jordy Kerwick, Jaeyong Kim, Pierre Knop, Jukhee Kwon, Seahyun Lee, Taesoo Lee, David Lehmann, Tobias Lehner, Dale Lewis, Bernhard Martin, Corey Mason, Gorka Mohamed, Helena Parada Kim, Boris Saccone, Michael Sailstorfer, Jan-Ole Schiemann, Paul Schwer, Matthew Stone, Stella Sujin, Martin Strippelmann, Yu Jinyoung, Ruprecht von Kaufmann
yet we must have all felt that primal urge to paint flowers at some point in our lives. Birthdays, weddings, hospital beds, and funerals. Their simple beauty accompanies us in celebration and in grief, and we are instinctively drawn to the familiar petals.
Egypt to medieval tapestries, from Botticelli and Rachel Ruysch to O’Keeffe and Warhol,
they have been a reliable muse to those that felt the need to create. They have been painted, printed, sculpted, and carved, by the hands of toddlers and masters alike. They are as evocative as they are ubiquitous, and artists have painted flowers to symbolize life and death, beauty and filth, Madonna and whore.” This exhibition features several artists and their works all paying homage to flowers. Paintings and sculptures, figurative and abstract, come together in a bouquet of styles to continue this age-old conversation.
꽃은 미술사의 기점부터 지금까지 꾸준히 우리와 함께 하였다. 고대 이집트의 연꽃부터
중세 태피스트리, 보티첼리와 라헬 라위스, 그리고 조지아 오키프와 앤디 워홀에 이르기까지 꽃은 창작을 갈망하는 이들에게 믿음직한 뮤즈로써 존재하였고, 어린 아이와 거장들의 손을 차별없이 거치며 그려지고, 인쇄되고 조각되었다. 꽃은 편재하는 만큼 상징성 또한 다양하여 작품에 따라서 삶과 죽음, 아름다움과 추함, 성녀와 창녀를 암시하는 변모를 거듭한다.”
본 전시는 여러 작가들과 작품들이 모여 함께 꽃을 향한 오마주를 표하는 자리입니다. 구상, 추상, 회화 그리고 조각 등 다양한 작품들을 통해 이 오래된 꽃에 대한 대화의 장을 이어가고자 합니다.
Related artists
Johnny Abrahams
Christian Achenbach
Catherine Anholt
Tom Anholt
Andreas Blank
Armin Boehm
Fritz Bornstück
Jenny Brosinski
Sascha Brylla
Jonas Burgert
Ung-Pil Byen
Daniel Crews-Chubb
Daniel Firman
Philip Grözinger
Gregor Hildebrandt
Jae Ho Jung
Ruprecht von Kaufmann
Jordan Kerwick
Helena Parada Kim
Pierre Knop
Jukhee Kwon
Sea Hyun Lee
Taesoo Lee
David Lehmann
Tobias Lehner
Dale Lewis
Bernhard Martin
Corey Mason
Gorka Mohamed
Boris Saccone
Michael Sailstorfer
Jan-Ole Schiemann
Paul Schwer
Matthew Stone
Stella Sujin
Jinyoung Yu