Must-See Art Guide: Cologne and Düsseldorf

Katie White, Artnet News, 6 September 2019

Must-See Art Guide: Cologne and Düsseldorf

Shuttles will carry art enthusiasts between the two German cities for a weekend of openings. Here are 10 of the shows you won't want to miss.

Marcel-Marcel Dzama, Be Good Little Beuys and Dada Might Buy You a Bauhaus (2019). Courtesy of Sies + Höke Galerie.-Sies-Hoke
Marcel Dzama, Be Good Little Beuys and Dada Might Buy You a Bauhaus (2019). Courtesy of Sies + Höke Galerie.

Keep your friends close—and your rivaling cultural capitals closer.

The German cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf are typically pitted as competitors when it comes to everything from beer to sports. But for one magical art-filled weekend a year, the two cities unite for Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries, a collective opening weekend that kicks off the fall art season each September.


This year, the festive weekend brings together 46 galleries split between the two cities. Shuttles will ferry collectors, art professionals, and anyone else who is interested from one city to the other (they’re approximately 45 minutes apart).

If you happen to be in either city (or ideally both) we’ve picked 10 exhibitions that you won’t want to miss.

Pierre Knop, Too fool for school (2019). Courtesy of Choi & Lager Gallery.

Pierre Knop, Too fool for school (2019). Courtesy of Choi & Lager Gallery.


Exhibition: “Pierre Knop: Feast of Fools” 

When: September 6–November 3, 2019

Where: Choi & Lager Gallery, Wormserstrasse 23, Cologne

Tobias Pils, Untitled (2019). Galerie Galerie Gisela Capitain.

Tobias Pils, Pool (2018). Galerie Galerie Gisela Capitain.

Exhibition: “Tobias Pils: Primordial Flow” 

When: September 7–October 19, 2019

Where: Galerie Gisela Capitain, St. Apern Strasse 26, Cologne

Benjamin Houlihan, Untitled Trio (2019). Thomas Rehbein Galerie.

Benjamin Houlihan, Untitled (2019). Thomas Rehbein Galerie.

Exhibition: “Benjamin Houlihan: Victor Stuhl” 

When: September 6–October 5, 2019

Where: Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Aachener Strasse 5, Cologne

Corinna Schnitt Future Perfect 2015 Shot on HD video, color, sound 9 Min 16:9 Edition of 5 (still)

Corinna Schnitt, Future Perfect (2015). Shot on HD video, color, sound 9 Min 16:9 Edition of 5 (still). Courtesy of Philipp von Rosen Galerie.


Exhibition: “Corinna Schnitt. Futures. Selected Works (2003–2015)

When: September 7–October 19, 2019

Where: Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Aachener Strasse 65, Cologne

Richard Tuttle

Richard Tuttle, Untitled (2019). Courtesy of Galerie Christian Lethert.

Exhibition: “Richard Tuttle: Kill Someone” 

When: September 6–October 31, 2019

Where: Galerie Christian Lethert, Antwerpener Strasse 52, Cologne

Bettina Scholz, Purple Rain (detail), 2019. Courtesy of Setareh.

Bettina Scholz, Purple Rain (detail, 2019). Courtesy of Setareh.

Exhibition: “Bettina Scholz: Drift

When: September 6–October 12, 2019

Where: Setareh, Königsallee 27–31, Düsseldorf

Pieter Hugo, Burning Bush, Oaxaca de Juárez (2018). Courtesy of Priska Pasquer.

Pieter Hugo, Burning Bush, Oaxaca de Juárez (2018). Courtesy of Priska Pasquer.


Exhibition: “Pieter Hugo: La Cucaracha

When: September 6–October 31, 2019

Where: Priska Pasquer, Albertusstraße 18, Cologne

Marcel Dzama, Pussy gonna rule this world (2019). Courtesy of Sies + Höke Galerie.

Marcel Dzama, Pussy gonna rule this world (2019). Courtesy of Sies + Höke Galerie.

Exhibition: “Marcel Dzama: Be Good Little Beuys and Dada Might Buy You a Bauhaus” 

When: September 6–October 26, 2019

Where: Sies + Höke GaleriePoststraße 2+3, Düsseldorf

Bruno (Bernard of Hollywood) Bernard, Marilyn Monroe, chocolate advertisement (1946). Courtesy of in focus Galerie.

Exhibition: “Bruno (Bernard of Hollywood) Bernard: Girls, Girls, Girls!!!

When: September 6–October 26, 2019

Where: in focus Galerie, Hauptstraße 114, Cologne

Installation view of

Installation view of “Offerings,” 2019. Courtesy of Galerie Karsten Greve.


Exhibition: “Raúl Illarramendi: Offerings” 

When: September 6–October 19, 2019

Where: Galerie Karsten Greve, Drususgasse 1-5. Cologne

DC Open runs from Friday, September 6 to Sunday, September 9, 2019.


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