Matthew Stone British, b. 1982


 Matthew Stone's work shows a bold development in the technical, theoretical, and aesthetic fields of his practice. He hand-paints on glass, photographs the brushstrokes, digitally retouches and collages them, and prints the result onto canvas. This approach ushers in a new age of conventional painting, introducing fresh possibilities to convey the sense of movement and entanglement inherent in his compositions. By skillfully utilizing digital media, the artist intricately weaves and manipulates individual gestures into dynamic tableaus. Stone's recent incorporation of artificial intelligence technology further expands the boundaries of art creation, prompting viewers to reevaluate the essence of representational endeavors.

매튜 스톤의 작품은 기술적, 이론적, 그리고 미적 고찰에 관한 끊임없는 발전을 보여준다. 그는 먼저 투명한 유리판 위에 그림을 그리고 그 그림을 사진으로 찍어낸 후, 이 사진 이미지를 3D 소프트웨어를 이용하여 직접 제작한 다른 형태의 이미지들과 콜라주 형태로 합성한다. 이렇게 만들어진 디지털 이미지는 캔버스에 전사되어 물리적인 작품으로 완성된다. 이러한 작가 특유의 작업 방식은 아날로그적 접근법을 현대의 테크놀로지에 접목하여 새로운 형식의 시각 예술을 창조하는 일련의 과정으로, 그의 작품에 내재된 움직임(movement)과 뒤얽힘(entanglement)을 전달하는 무궁한 가능성을 제시한다. 스톤은 최근 인공 지능 기술을 창작 과정에 활용하여 창작의 경계를 더욱 확장시키며, ‘대상을 재현한다’는 회화의 근본에 대한 새로운 탐구를 도모한다.




Born in 1982, London, UK

Lives and works in London, UK




  • Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts of London, BA (Hons) Painting (1st)




  • Human in the Loop, Gallery COMMON, Tokyo
  • AI PAINTINGS, The Hole, New York


  • Matthew Stone: Virtual Paintings, Unit London, London


  • A Portrait of the lost artist into the metaverse, The Hole, New York


  • small awakenings, CHOI&LAGER Gallery, Seoul


  • NEOPHYTE, The Hole, New York


  • Back into the body, CHOI&LAGER Gallery, Seoul


  • Emotional Manipulation, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen


  • Cosmic Flesh, Union Gallery, London
  • Other Worlds - Wounded Healer, Performance, New York Carlsberg Glyptotek Unconditional Love, The Hole, New York
  • Muse Control, Performance, The Hole, New York


  • Love Focused Like a Laser (performance), Art Miami Basel, Miami
  • Ecstasy, Subliminal Projects, Los Angeles


  • The Body As Lightning Conductor, The Hole at Villa Vecchia, Miami Art Basel, Miami
  • Love Focused Like a Laser, The Hole, New York
  • Everything is Possible, Choi & Lager, Cologne
  • Unconditional Commitment to Sacred Love, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
  • Everything is Possible, Union Gallery, London


  • Sculpture Installation, Mondrian Hotel, Miami Art Basel, Miami
  • Optimism as Cultural Rebellion, The Hole, New York
  • Forever Rules, Union Gallery, London
  • Rules Forever, Union Gallery, London


  • Anatomy of Immaterial Worlds, ICA, London
  • Body Language, V1 Gallery, Denmark


  • Interconnected Echoes, Galerie Paul Freches, Paris
  • The Co-Existence of Uncompromised Visions, Boyschool, London




  • HUMAN, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, Seoul
  • Ransom Art’s Affordable Art Collection, Ransom Art, London
  • Ten: A decade of Unit London, Unit London, London
  • E-motions: Art and Isolation in the Age of Hikikomori, Unit London, London
  • Fembot, The Hole, New York
  • Storage Wars, The Hole, New York
  • UNI[2]ON, UNION Gallery, London
  • The Hole at NADA New York 2023, The Hole, New York


  • V1XX, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
  • I Feed My Skin Upon the Landscape, Awake!, UNION Gallery, London
  • FLOWER, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, Seoul


  • Song of Songs: Representations of the self, spirituality and states of mind in art, Unit London, London
  • Interconnected, John Wolf Art Advisory & Brokerage, Los Angeles


  • Today’s Special #6 and #4, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen


  • MINE III, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark


  • I See You, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, GA
  • MINE II , V1 Gallery , Copenhagen , Denmark
  • The Barn Show , Johannes Vogt Gallery , East Hampton , NY


  • Post Analog Painting II, The Hole, New York, NY


  • Tower, Ibid. London, London
  • Not a Photo, The Hole, New York
  • Post-Analog Painting, The Hole, New York


  • Storage Wars, Eric Firestone Gallery, Hamptons, USA
  • Group Show - Jack, Neil, Shane, Gareth and Matthew, Choi & Lager, Cologne


  • GamingGaming, New Shelter Plan, Denmark
  • Hindsight, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
  • Amor Fati, Pioneer Works, Red Hook, Brooklyn
  • Body and History, Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille
  • New Age of Aquarius, Duve, Berlin


  • Fresh Basel, The Hole at Villa Vecchia, Miami Art Basel, Miami
  • V1 X - Tonight we won’t be bored, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
  •, RH Gallery, New York
  • Marrakech Bienalle, Marrakech, Morocco
  • Watch your step, The Flag Art Foundation, New York
  • Portrait of a generation, The Hole, New York
  • CTRL Group two, Brian Miller Gallery, Texas
  • Photography is, Higher Pictures, New York


  • Anatomy of Immaterial Worlds, Performa 11, New York
  • True Love, The National Museum of Photography, The Royal Library, Copenhagen
  • Status, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
  • Independent Rites, V1 Gallery, Denmark
  • What’s Next, FOAM Museum, Amsterdam
  • Volcano Extravaganza, Fiorucci Foundation, Stromboli
  • Orientale, 53rd Venice Bienalle, Venice
  • Open studio, Viafarini, Milan
  • Recessional Aesthetics, James Taylor Project, London
  • By night, Trädgården, Stockholm
  • 24 Month Meditation, The Island, Italy
  • Hard Future, Brighton Festival, Brighton
  • OneShot, Allmänna Gallery, Stockholm


  • Triumph of the Will, The Centre of the Universe, London
  • SHOWstudio, Somerset House, London
  • Free Art Fair, The Barbican Centre, London
  • SU:MBISORI, Jeju Museum of Art, Korea
  • Conflict, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead Starmaker, E:vent Gallery, London


  • Nought to Sixty, ICA, London
  • SEEN… S.C.U.M. & Matthew Stone, Maurice Einhardt Neu Gallery, London
  • GSK Contemporary, Royal Academy, London
  • The Destruction of Atlantis, Union, London
  • OPTIMISM: The Art of Our Time, co-curated by Matthew Stone, Hannah Barry Gallery, London
  • And As They Reached For God With their Fingertips, Their Toes Wrote Stories In The Sand, Assab One, Milan
  • Bold Tendencies II, Hannah Barry Gallery, London
  • Bad Year Blimp, Alma Enterprises, London
  • GOTHIC, Fieldgate Gallery, London
  • EYESORE, V1 Gallery, Denmark
  • !WOWOW! and Plastique Fantastique, Tate Britain, London


  • Gravity’s Rainbow, Peres Projects, Athens
  • Nocturnal, Sarah Myerscough Fine Art, London
  • DAZED & CONFUSED vs ANDY WARHOL, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead
  • Feral Kingdom, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow
  • Ruhe Bewahren, Arthouse Tacheles, Berlin
  • Multiple Discipline, Union Gallery, London
  • The Event, International Project Space, Birmingham


  • Ten Rooms and a Sculpture Garden, Lyndhurst Way, London


  • Fantasy Stories, Sarah Myerscough Fine Art, London
  • Rising Tendencies Toward the United States of Mind, !WOWOW! Roaming Space, London
  • Optimism as Cultural Rebellion, !WOWOW! Roaming Space (Area 10), London


  • Spectacular Spectacular!, !WOWOW! Roaming Space, London
  • *RT SH*M*N (performance supporting Lali Chetwynd), ICA, London




  • Shot all portraits for Ever Conscious manifesto, a one-off magazine focusing on environmental sustainability and distributed worldwide. Carsten Holler designed an artwork for the cover.


  • The Body as Lightning Conductor, Performance presented with MikeQ at The Hole curated space inMiami as part of Miami Art Basel.


  • After being nominated by Marina Abramovic, artist residency programme Viafarini in Milan completed. Dazed&Confused magazine commission Matthew Stone to photograph and collaborate with Riccardo Tisci on the cover of the 20th anniversary issue. The cover is accompanied by a 18 page editorial.


  • Interconnected Echoes - The Salon, The Great British Art Debat, at Tate Britain.


  • The Centre of the Universe, artist-led/non-profit, nomadic art-space initiated by Stone (ongoing project)
  • CTRL.ALT.SHIFT, Artist Mentor to Newcastle students working at the Baltic for a project in partnership with Ctrl.Alt.Shift, a new experimental youth initiative that aims to engage people in global issues, using art as a catalyst for change.


  • Manifesto Marathon, Serpentine Interconnected Echoes – The Salon, weekly meeting and discussion forum at the Hospital Club, London



  • 'Interconnected Echoes' functions as a basis for a series of interviews, in which Stone asks people he admires big questions. As the interviews progress everybody questioned adds a question. These questions in turn become the basis for future interviews. Each question links back to the answers of the person who asked it.
  • 'Optimism As Cultural Rebellion' provides ongoing documentation of Stone’s practice. 
  • 'InfinityTimesInfinity' is a snapshot diary of Stone’s life.




  • Circa Art Prize, Cultural Institute of Radical Contemporary Arts