Jeehye Song Korean, b. 1991
Jeehye Song (1991-) studied Printmaking at Chugye University for the Arts, Seoul, and studied Metal art and Design at Seoul National University of Science & Technology. She graduated from the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf as a Meister student of Prof. Andreas Schulze. Her solo exhibitions include ‘Home Alone’(Artistellar Gallery, London, 2023), ‘Tschüss - Mur Brut 26’(Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 2023), ’My Knitting Days’(IAH Gallery, Seoul, 2022), and ‘2 O‘clock at Night, Pop;68’(Ruttkowski 68, Cologne, 2022). She has participated in group exhibitions including ‘Dear Dream Dear Dread’(HAGD contemporary, Aalborg, 2023), ‘Unexpect’(Q18, Cologne, 2023), ‘Die Grosse 2022’(Kunstpalast & NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, 2022), and ‘Ida Gerhardi Förderpreis 2022’(Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid, Lüdenscheid, 2022). She was awarded Friedrich Vordemberge Scholarship for Painting (Cologne, 2022) and Graduates Scholarship von Rundstedt(Düsseldorf, 2022) among others. Song lives and works in Düsseldorf.
Born in 1991, Seoul, South Korea
Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany
2009 Studied Printmaking at Chugye University for the Arts, Seoul, South Korea
2012 Studied Metal art and Design at Seoul National University of Science & Technology
2015 Master Class under Prof. Andreas Schulze and Stefan Kürten at Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf
2021 Graduated as Master Scholar (Meisterschüler) of Prof. Andreas Schulze
- I’m Burning, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, Cologne
- 0010#4, curated by Noelia Gaite Gallardo, Berlin
- PULLPUSHPULL, IAH Gallery, Seoul
- Home Alone, Artistellar Gallery, London
- Tschüss - Mur Brut 26 , Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf
- My Nitting Days, IAH Gallery, Seoul
- Hallo! - Friedrich-Vordemberge-scholarship, Artothek Köln, Cologne
- Enjoy the Silence, Annarumma Gallery, Napoli
- 2 O‘clock at Night, Pop;68 (Ruttkowski;68), Cologne
- New heavy shit, NBB, Düsseldorf
- Reflection, IAH Gallery, Seoul
- HUMAN, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, Seoul
- FRAG DEN ABENDWIND, Akademie Galerie, Düsseldorf
- Figure ground, Seojung Art, Busan
- From Berlin to Seoul: Crossing Horizons, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, HORI Artspace, AIF Lounge, Seoul and Bermel von Luxburg Gallery, Berlin
- Dear Dream Dear Dread, HAGD contemporary, Aalborg
- Unexpect, Q18, Cologne
- Die Grosse 2022, Kunstpalast & NRW Forum, Düsseldorf
- Ida Gerhardi Förderpreis 2022, Municipal Gallery of Lüdenscheid
- Kunst Aktuell, Kunstverein Rosenheim, Rosenheim
- Under the Same Sky, Riana Raouna gallery, Cyprus
- Ausgenfällig / Fresch Positions, BBK Düsseldorf
- Young Dreams, Août gallery, Beirut
- Kunstpreis Junger Westen 2019 Malerei, Art hall der Stadt Recklinghausen
- Friedrich-Vordemberge-scholarship
- Graduates Scholarship von Rundstedt
- Nominated for “Ida Gerhardi Award 2022”
- Nominated for “ Kunstpreis Junger Westen 2019 Malerei”
- was, 2024
- adiletten tandem, 2023
- auf dem Stuhl, 2023
- burn out, 2023
- collapse, 2023
- die Hoffnung fliegt weg komplett (hope flies away completely), 2023
- guck mal, 2023
- hey there, 2023
- I am burning, 2023
- meditation, 2023
- Ruhezeit, 2023
- trimming, 2023
- A Hand in a Cake, 2022
- ein Kampf gegen die Welt (a fight against the world), 2022
- fuck you sun light, 2022
- how can I go home, 2022
- I'm waiting, 2022
- Porträt mit Rauchen, 2022
- Sommer in der WG, 2022
- allein zu Hause (home alone), 2021
- Morgen (Morning), 2021
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